Together with our partner schools from 5 European countries, we examine values like healthy lifestyle, environmental awareness, media use or the role of men and women in family and society. We compare the importance of these values in the 6 project countries and we also ask our parents and grandparents about their experience. In this way we learn about Values across generations and borders - VAGAB
Scroll down to read about our project activities!
Comenius friends in Tilburg

In March 2012, 12 students went to Tilburg with us for our 3rd (and last) work visit.

It was a great time with interesting activities: language lessons, sports and games competitions, visit to our partner school Odulphuslyceum, tour of Tilburg guided by our Dutch friends, Van Gogh`s drawing room, cycling (elegance!), attractions in the Efteling fun park, pancake buffet... 

...and finally two days in Amsterdam with a boat tour, Anne Frank`s house...
Meeting our VAGAB friends again, cooking international food, singing our VAGAB song "Comenius friends" - this week was just brillant!

Many thanks to our wonderful Dutch hosts!


1 comment:

  1. ulty of Philosophy at Radboud
    University Nijmegen, has a duration of two years and is
    taught in English. Students can choose from a wide range
    of specializations, including some offered in close
    cooperation with TiLPS, the Tilburg Center for Logic and
    Philosophy of Science ( They incassobureau tilburg (25x)
